Grow Pad Mini Review

 Anyone who knows anything about hydroponics knows how important it is to keep your water circulating and airflow going. The mini fan on the Grow Pad Mini will run in 15-minute intervals, so it keeps airflow going to prevent harmful bacterial growth. Good airflow also keeps your plants cooler, which helps them grow better. Your plants also need fresh carbon dioxide to photosynthesize properly, so circulation is important for plant health.

High-Quality Substrate

Another important factor for successful hydroponic gardening is to have a good substrate. A good substrate lets your plant get all the nutrients, water, and oxygen it needs without getting in the way. The Grow Pad Mini has a great substrate to give your plants a great start and keep them growing so you can harvest plenty of herbs.

Watering Compartment with Level Indicator

The Grow Pad Mini has a handy water level indicator so you never need to guess when to add more water to your garden. Being able to check the water level easily means you’re less likely to forget to water it and end up with dried up roots.

Grow Your Herbs Faster

Anyone who has grown herbs from seed in soil knows it can take quite some time to get herbs large enough to harvest. With the Grow Pad Mini, you can have herbs ready to grow in as little as 6 weeks. They also say you will be able to harvest your herbs for up to 6 months.

Grow Anywhere

If you don’t have much space or a garden, growing plants can be a bit tricky. The Grow Pad Mini is very small, letting you grow a plant wherever you have space indoors. You don’t need to worry about finding a spot in a window. I like this since apartments don’t have a ton of space or windows to grow in.


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